Rajabhasa Hindi
Sambhidhan Sabha has accepted hindi as Raj bhasa - 14 Sept 1949.That’s why 14 Sept is celebrated as Hindi Diwas.
World Hindi Day - 10 January
The form of the numerals to be used for the official purposes of the union shall be international form of Indian numerals.
When 80% of employees have acquired working knowledge of Hindi, name of that central government office be notified in the gazette.
Chairman of the official language implementation Committee at Divisional Railway Office- DRM.
Chairman of Zonal Railways Official Language implementation Committee - GM
Periodicity of meetings of Divisional Official language Implementation Committee- Once in 03 months.
No of members in committee of Parliament on official language- 30 (20 Lok Sabha + 10 Rajya Sabha). This Committee was established in year 1976 under Rajabhasa Act 1963.
It has 3 sub committee each has 10 members. It's Second sub committee, inspect the railway.
Central government is empowered to make rules to implement the Official Language Act.
Second sub committee of Parliamentary committee on official language inspects Railway Ministry.
Indian constitution has 25 parts and 448 acticles.
Part 5,6 and 17 - having Articles related to Rajabhasa
Part 5 Acticle 120 (1) - explains about language used in Parliament. Parliament will work either in Hindi or English.
Part 6 Article 210 - explains that official language used in the state legislative assembly will work in either Hindi,English or local language .
Part 17 has 9 articles,from article 343 to 351
Part 17 Article 343 (1) - Hindi in Devanagri script shall be official language of the union.
Part 17 article 344 - Official language commission and parliamentary committee for growth of official language.
I st official language commission constituted on 7th June 1955.Its chairman was Shri B.G. Kher.
Ist president of parliamentary committee was Lalit Narayan Mishra.
Part 17 of the Constitution dealing with Official language passed in the parliament in 1949.Part 17 has 9 Articles.
Part 17 Article 345 - Freedom to states to select the official language of the state. State can choose its language but Hindi and English will also be there.
Part 17 Article 346 - Medium of Communication between two states and State to centre.All the states are divided into three parts.
(A) All Hindi speaking states - Bihar,Haryana,Himachal pradesh,M.P,Rajasthan,U.P.,Chhatisgarh,Uttarakhand,Jharkhand, A&N Islands and Delhi.Centre government will do all correspondence in Hindi with them.If it is in English, it's Hindi translation must also attach with it.
(B) Gujrat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Chandigarh, Daman deep and Dadra Nagar Haveli.Centre will correspondence max in English and minimum in Hindi.If something is sent in English,it's Hindi translation will also be sent.if the centre or state wants to send or receive in local language, it will also be sent in the Rajabhasa of that state.
Daman deep and Dadar Nagar Haveli added in 1987 in this list.
(C) Other than A and B. Non Hindi Speaking States.
For C category states, Any correspondence from centre to a office (other than central govt office) will be in English.
For C category states,Any correspondence from a office of central govt to a office in category A or B ( other than central govt) or a person,correspondence can be in Hindi or English.
Part 17 Article 347 - Language spoken by population in the states. There are 22 languages, out of them only one language Nepali is foreign language.
Part 17 article 348 - High courts and Supreme Court will work in English only.
Part 17 Article 351- Directive for Development of Hindi language
Kamalapati Tripathi Rajya bhasa Golden Medal- GM and above.
Rail Mantri Rajya Bhasa Silver medal - Officers of SAG and above- 8000 rupees
Lal Bahadur Shatri Technical Maulik Lekhan Award - Railway Employees for writing original books on technical subject in Hindi
Mathili Sharan Gupt Award - for Poem and Gazal
Rajbhasa Individual Cash Award - JAG Officers and non gazzeted employees.
Premchand Award - for writing story/ novel in Hindi.
Official language act was enacted by Parliament on 10 May 1963 and amended in 1967.This act allows use of English as well as Hindi. This act has 9 sections.
In Section 3(3) of this act, there are 14 things which must be published both in Hindi and English.
Section 3(3) was enacted on 26th Jan 1965.
1. Office Order.
2. Resolution
3. Rule
4. Memorandum
5. Notification
6. Policy document
7. Contract
8. Agreement
9. Tender
10. Tender Notice
11. Press Communiques
12. Administrative Reports
13. Licences
14. Permits
The Officer who signs such documents is responsible for implementation of Section 3(3) of Official Language Act 1963.
Section 4 of official language Act related to constitution of the committee of parliament on official language.
Section 5 of Official Language Act states that Replies to correspondence in Hindi must be sent in Hindi by offices of Central Government.
Section 7 of official language Act 1963 is concerned with optional use of Hindi or Official language in judgements in High Courts etc.
Bodo, dogari and Santhali included in 8th schedule in 2004.
Nepali is part of 8 th English is not included in 8 th Schedule.
In 8 th Schedule there are 22 official languages. English and Rajasthani are not the part of this.When constitution was adopted, there were 14 languages in 8 th Schedule.
Elementary or Introductory Hindi course prescribed for central government employees is Prabodh.
Home ministry is responsible for implementation of Hindi in Central government offices.
Law ministry is responsible for translating statutory rules,regulations and orders.
Rule 5 of Official language Rule -
Communications received in Hindi are to be replied in Hindi only by Central Government Offices.
Official language Rule is not extended to Tamil Nadu.
If an employee has passed Matriculation or its equivalent in Hindi Medium, he shall be considered as Proficient in Hindi.
If an employee has passed Matriculation or its equivalent or higher examination with Hindi as subject, he will be considered as having Working knowledge of Hindi.
If employee declares that he has acquired such working knowledge of Hindi, then also he will be considered as having 'Working knowledge of Hindi'
In Non Hindi Speaking areas, Boards are displayed in following order
Regional Language, Hindi Language, English Language.
Prime Minister is chairperson of Kendriya Hindi Samiti.
Home minister is the chairman of parliamentary official language committee.
Annual Program of Official language is released by Home Ministry.
Railway minister is the Chairman of Railway Hindi Advisory Committee.
Prabodh is preliminary course of Hindi for Central Government employees.
Zonal Official Language implementation Committee - 4 meetings in a year.
International numerals are used for official purpose of the union.
Arunachal Pradesh - Official Language is English
Town Official Language Implementation Committee - Once in every 06 months.
Pragya - Having working knowledge of Hindi.
Rule 5 of Official Language Rule 1976 - Correspondence in Hindi must be answered in Hindi
Rule 12 of Official Language Rule 1976 -Head of the office is responsible for implementation of Official Language policy in the office.
Mantra is the name of Software available at website of department of Official Language to translate from English to Hindi.
2 times the examination of Hindi course are organised under Hindi teaching Scheme.
1968- Official Language Resolution passed by Both houses of Parliament to increase use of Hindi for official purpose by union of India.
20000- First prize in Premchand award scheme.
Hindi Salahkar Samiti - In all ministries.
Vice Chairman of Central Hindi Committee - Home Minister
Railway Minister Rajbhasha Silver Medal - Silver Medal+ 8000 in cash and citation.
Lalit Narayan Mishra - First chairman of Railway Hindi Salahkar Samiti formed first time in 1973
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