Railway Establishment and Stores
Max LAP approved one time - 180 days.( if available in his account).
Max LHAP approved one time - 24 months ( if available in his account).
Leave not due - Max 360 days in service. Can be sanctioned on medical grounds
Compensatory casual leave granted to Group C &D employees other than supervisory staff for attending on Sundays and holidays.
Special casual leave It is sanctioned for participation in sporting events/events of national importance,for scouting duties and family welfare. Special casual leave can be granted in following cases.
Administration of operative society members.
Participation in scouts .
Participation in sports activities
Participation in railway union activities etc
In bandh,curfew and national calamity.
A railway Servant,who has taken CL for half a day on the afternoon of a working day due to unexpected sickness or compelling grounds and he has no CL at his credit, may as an exception to general rule,be permitted to combine half a day’s CL with regular leave.
CL can not be combined with LAP
CL can not be combined with joining time.
CL can not be combined with vacation allowed for school staff.
CL can be combined with Rest, CR and Special casual leave either as prefix or suffix.
LHAP - LHAP is credited in advance in two installments on 01 Jan and 01 July at 10 days each.
There is no limit on its accumulation for LHAP.
The amount of LHAP that can be availed in one spell even if it is combined with any leave shall be less than 24 months.LHAP can be granted on medical certificate or on private affairs.
Max LHAP that can be sanctioned in one spell - 24 months
Extra ordinary leave- Max 5 years.
HOER( hours of Employment Regulations)
HOER is applicable for casual labourers also.
Strenuous nature of work.
Little or No period of inaction.
Period of rest less than 6 hours in cycle of 24 hours.
In 8 hours shift,no rest or relaxation of at least one hour.
Standard hours - 42 hours ( Rostered Hour of duty)
Statutory limit (Max hours) - 45 hours.
Short off case - When rest is less than 12 hours in 6 hours duty , or rest less than 14 hours in mixed of 6 & 8 hours.It is Short off for Intensive category.
Long on case - If duty is more than 8 hours, it is Long On for Intensive category.
Essentially Intermittent
Period of inaction is 6 hours or more.
Standard hours- 48 hours plus 12/24 additional hours.
Statutory limit (Max hours) - 75 hours
Short off case- When rest is less than 8 hours between two spells of duty.
Long on - If duty is more than 12 hours, it is Long On for Essentially Intermittent category.
Following staff comes under excluded catagory
a) Staff employed in confidential capacity.
b) Armed guards or other personnel subject to discipline similar to that of armed police forces.
c) Staff of railway schools
d) Staff classified as supervisory
e) Such categories of staff of health and medical department as may be specified by prescribed authority.
Standard hours- 48 hours.( Rostered Hour of duty).
Statutory limit (Max hours) - 54 hours
Short off case- When rest is less than 10 hours between two spells of duty.
Long on - If duty is more than 10 hours, it is Long On for Essentially Intermittent category.
Max duty hour of a Ministerial Staff in a week - 42 hours.
Short off-
A short off means a short period of rest between end of one rostered duty and the beginning of the following rostered duty. It is period of rest where it is less than 12 hours in a roster of 6 hours duty and less than 14 hours in a roster mixed of 6&8 hours duty in case of intensive workers.In case of continuous less than 10 hours.In case of essentially Intermittent less than 8 hours.
Essentially Intermittent - 48 hours in a week plus additional hours per week which will be subject to prescribed maximum.8 hours rest permitted between two spells of duty.
Continuous - Not more than 54 hours in a week.Short off is less than 10 hours in the case continuous workers.
Intensive - work of strenuous nature,Not more than 45 hours in a week. (Eg. Section controller).Period of rest is less than 6 hours in a cycle of 24 hours.
Rostered Hour of Duty
(a) The hours a work shall be consist of standard hours of duty as under-
(I) 42 hours in a week in case of Intensive workers.
(II) 48 hours in a week in case of continuous workers.
(III) In case of EI workers 48 hours a week plus additional hours of work per week which will be subject to the prescribed maximum.
LAP credited for each completed calender month of service to leave account of the Railway servant- 2.5 days.
B) Office staff are rostered for 8 hours a day including half -an hour break, i.e 7-1/2 hours a day.They enjoy weekly rest on Saturdays and Sundays as declared by administration.
Leave in IOD( Injured on leave) cases(Hospital Leave)
Hospital leave may be granted for such period as authority granting it may consider necessary on leave salary.
For the first 120 days - Equal to leave salary on average pay ( full payment will be paid) and for remaining period as that equal to leave salary on half pay leave ( Half payment will be done).
Hospital Leave shall not be debited against the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of leave Total period should not exceed 28 months.
Granted for other than Group A and Group B.
Amount of Hospital leave granted by GM is unlimited.
Steady leave -
Conditions to grant-
A) Completed probation period
B) Completed 5 years service
C) Not due to reach the age of superannuation from service within 3 years after return from study leave.
Ordinarily 12 months at any one time, 24 months in entire service,36 months for courses leading to Ph.D degree and PG Degree in medicine.
Study leave not to be debited from leave account.
Study leave may be combined with any other leave but total period shall not exceed 28 months and 36 months for PhD and P.G degree in medicine.
Authority competent to grant study leave
1. Ministry of Railways- Within India and Abroad
2. General Managers,in all cases of study leave within India.
3. Head of department and DRM in case of Railway servants in group C and D for study leave within India.
LAP and LHAP both will be credited during study leave w.e.f 04.01.2011
Child Care Leave-
CCL may be granted to both biological as well as adaptive mother.
For two eldest serving children less than 18 years for Normal child.
In case of child with physical disability up to 40% and mentally retarded children, can avail CCL upto any age.
Max period is 2 years (730 days) during entire service for needs like examination, sickness etc.If CCL is more than 30 days,transport allowance not to be paid.
CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a calender year.
CCL may not be granted for less than 05 days.
CCL Can be combined with any leave.
CCL may be granted maximum for 730 days and minimum for 05 days. For the first 365 days full salary will be paid for next 365 days 80% salary will be paid.
CCL may be granted for single male employee same as for female employees.
LAP, if taken for the purpose of child care can be converted into CCL.
Leave to Apprentices
Full stipend not exceeding 16 days. Half stipend on medical certificate not exceeding 20 days but with production on medical certificate.
SCRA Apprentice is given 30 days with stipend.
Maternity leave
Paid Maternity leave is 26 weeks for women staff for the two surviving children.
A woman employee who is already a mother of 2 children is eligible for 12 weeks maternity leave for 3rd child
Period of maternity leave on account of miscarriage should be restricted to 45 days in the entire career.
May be combined with any leave.Not debited against leave account.
Can be given in Apprentice period also.
Can be given to unmarried also.
During period of maternity leave, LAP and LHAP will be credited in the account.
Paternity leave- 15 days
Can avail before 15 days of birth and upto 06 months of birth of child.
Maternity and paternity both Can be sanctioned in a single spell.Both leaves can commence before child berth.Both leaves can be granted to Apprentices.
Both the leaves will be granted in single spell only.
Both leaves can be granted even if the child is adopted but the age of child should be less than 01 year.
A male casual railway employee will also get paternity leave.
Dead Surplus Items
Stocks which have not been issued for 24 months and it is considered that they are not likely to utilize in railway within next two years.
Movable Surplus Items
Stocks which have not been issued for 24 months but they are likely to used in railway within next two years.
Target Timing for turning out Medical Relief Van (MRV) on Double exit siding - 15 min.
PREM (Participation of Railway Employees in Management)
Periodicity of meetings at zonal level - 03 months.
PNM (Permanent negotiating Machinery) - Forum in railway for resolving the disputes and differences arising between the administration and staff.
Time schedule in screening for MODIFIED Assured Career Progression Scheme- Ist week of Jan and first week of July every year.
Training period of direct ESM grade III - 12 months.
For ESM level 2 recruitment-
50% direct recruitment and 50% promotional quota.
Authority for group C ( level 6) is Junior Administrative Grade Officer.
Maximum amount of death gratuity- 20 lakhs
Type of Accounts used in Indian Railways- Capital & Revenue Accounts.
No of school passes issued to Railway Employee is 3 sets per year.
Joining Time
Within 8 kms - 01 day
1000 kms or less - 10 days
More than 1000 kms- 12 days
More than 2000 kms- 15 days
There is no time limit of joining leave but unutilized Joining time will be credited in LAP after 06 Joining time can not be combined with Casual leave.
Group A and B - 1 st class A pass
GP 4600 and 4200 - 1 st class pass
GP 2800 - 2nd Class A pass
GP 1900 - One 2nd class A pass in a year,remaining passes and PTOs second/ Sleeper Class( duty pass is 2nd class A pass)
Standard Forms -
Standard form 1- Order of suspension
Standard form 2- Deeming railway Servant under suspension
Standard form 3 - Certificate to be furnished by suspended official
Standard form 4 - Revocation of suspension order
Standard form 5 - Standard form of Standard form of major charge sheet
Standard form 6 - Standard form of refusing permission to inspect documents
Standard form 7- Standard form of order relating to appointment of Inquiry officer
Standard form 8 - Form of appointment of Presenting officer
SF 10 - Issued for common proceedings in DAR.
SF 14 - Chargesheet to retired employees
Minor penalties
1) Censure
2) Withholding of his promotion for a specified period
3) Recovery from his pay of the whole or part of pecuniary loss caused by him.
4) Withholding of pass or PTOs or both.
5) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding three years,without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension.
6) Withholding of increments of pay for a specified period with further directions as whether on expiry of such period this will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay.
Major penalties
MAjor penalty is imposed under Rule 9
1) Same as serial no 6 in Minor penalties.
2) Reduction to a lower time scale of pay,grade,post or service with or without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post or service from where which railway Servant was reduced and his seniority, pay on such restoration to the grade,post or service.
3) Compulsory retirement
4) Removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for employment under government or railway administration.
5) Dismissal from service which shall ordinary be a disqualification for employment under government or railway employment.
Inquiry and Appeal
a chargesheet is served, reply should be given under 10 days from the day, we receive chargesheet.If a punishment is awarded, appeal should be made within 45 days of receiving.
Enquiry officer is nominated under rule 9 of DAR.
Following persons can act a defence counselor of the employee
1) Any official of recognized railway union but shall not be a legal practitioner.
2) Any railway staff
3) No direct involvement of defense counselor in the case.
Orders against which no appeal lies
1) Any order made by President
2) Any order of interlocutory nature.
3) Any order passed by a inquiring authority in the course of the inquiry under rule 9.
Appellate Authorities
An appeal against an order is a common proceeding held under rule 13.
IPAS - Integrated Payroll and accounting system
GST is categorised as indirect tax
Max transfer grant is 80 percent of basic if transfer to locations are more than 20 kms.
Max 40 percentage of pension can be commuted
HBA for 2023-24 is 7.5 percentage
Disciplinary authority is competent to issue privilege pass to suspended employee .
Group B officer can take a gift 🎁 of rupees 15000 only.
For group A it is 25000 only and for class C it is 7500 only.
SPARROW( Smart performance appraisal Report recording on line window) is similar to HRMS but for appraisal of officers.
LIMBS - Legal information management and briefing system, - Effective management of court cases.
ARPAN - Advanced railway pension Access network.
HRMS portal can be used for withdrawal from Provident fund.
Railway service conduct rule 1966 3 (1) (i) - Maintain absolute integrity.
LTC can be availed in a block of four years.For this employee has to surrender passes for that year.
Under the rule 6 of Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal rule 1968, penalties can be imposed on any railway servant.
PU - Primary unit
PU 27 - Final booking of stock items
PU 28 - Direct purchase for non stock items
PU 30 - Cost of electrical energy
PU 31- Purchase of fuel ⛽
PU 32 - Contractual payment
PU 33- Transfer of debit and credit from other units.
PU 72 - Centre GST
GM has the power to reappropriate funds from one PU to Other.
SV sheet prepared by stock verifier is form - S 1260
There are total 27 plan heads.
Demand no 10 - fuels.
DRF (Depreciation Reserved Fund) is used for replacement of overaged assets.
For Approval of AAC of A category ( High Value Item) items,vetting of HQ finance is required.
Accepting authority of TC above 1 Cr and upto 5 Cr will be CMM.
RRSK - Rastriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh.
AIMS - Accounting Information and Management Implementation year -2014
General finance rules - Ministry of finance.
Voted Expenditure - Requires the approval of parliament.
EBR - Extra Budgetary Resources
Sources of funding for capital expenditures in Railway
1) EBR
2) Budgetary support from central Government
3) Internal source of Indian Railways
PAC - Proprietary Article Certificate - Required to be given for purchase of an item when no other make/ brand is suitable.
GST is applicable on Supply contracts,work contracts and service contract.
Earnest Money - Earnest money/ bid security is deposited while submitting tender.
Earnest Money of unsuccessful tenders shall be refunded as expeditiously as possible as extant instructions from Railway board. The Successful bidder will have to submit a Performance Guarantee(PG) as per conditions laid down in GCC
Upto 1 Cr, 2 percentage of estimated cost.
Above 1 Cr , 2 Lakhs plus half percentage of remaining above Rs 1Cr. subject to Maximum Rs 1 Cr.
Earnest money will be retained by the railway as a part of due and faithful fulfillment of the contract and the balance to make up security deposit at the rates stipulated by the administration or will be recovered by percentage deductions from Contractors " On account" bills.
Earnest should be rounded off to nearest hundred rupees.Earnest money is applicable for all mode of tendering.
If an offer is received without EMD, This offer will be rejected.
For Start up ,earnest money is not applicable.Department of Industrial policy and promotion declares start up.It works under ministry of commerce and Industry.
Presenting officer will be appointed by Disciplinary Authority in major penalty cases
Bronze pass to SG grade.
45 days - Time limit for appeal against any penalty
LAP can be encashed max 6 time and total 60 days in entire service.
Max ex gratia payment in case of death - 25 Lakhs.
Maximum amount of DCRG paid to Railway Employee at time of Superannuation- 20 lakhs
Gratuity for an employee of 33 years service - 16.5 months emoluments or 20 lakhs whichever is minimum.
Penalties are under Rule 6 of D&AR rules 1966.
GFR - General finance rule - 2017
Highest precedence in discharging financial power in railway.
For group A and B
Review of service -
If joins before 35 years of age - Review will be done after age of 50 years.
PL no - Price list number
PL No ( Price ledger no )- 8 digit code
First two digits - Major group
Third and fourth digits - Sub group
Fifth, sixth and seventh( Serial no of item) - Part C
Last digit of PL Number - Check digit -Part D
Rule 3(2) (i) of railway conduct rules- for supervisors
To ensure integrity and devotion to duty of staff under his control.
Rule 3(1) (i)- maintain absolute integrity
Rule 3(1) (ii) - Railway servant has to maintain devotion to duty.
Rule 3(1) (iii) - Do nothing which is unbecoming of railway servant .
Charged Expenditure - no need of parliament approval .eg. Salary, allowance and pension.
Voted Expenditure - Parliament approval required
Both the expenditures are taken from consolidated fund of India not from contingency fund.
SF 7 - Appointment of enquiry officer.
ANUBHAV - Retired employees can share their experiences.
President of India can cut pension of an employee .
Nadal 's formula - derailment coefficient depends on flange angle and coefficient of friction.
Max working hours in workshop are imposed by Factory act 1948.
Long on - If period of duty is
1) more than 8 hours for Intensive
2) more than 10 hours for Continuous
3) more than 12 hours for Essentially Intermittent
It is called Long On.
Performance guarantee is 5 percent of estimated cost. after issuing of LOA, work is started. Within 21 days from start of work PG shall be deposited.
PG will be released after one year of completion of work.
Supplementary Estimate
An item of work connected with the main work can be added to the estimate through supplementary Estimate.
Security deposit ( SD) is also 5 percent. This amount will be be deducted from bills and will be kept with Railway.It will be released after guarantee period. This amount will be deposited after issue of LOA.
Deposited before release of first on account bill in cash or Term Deposit Receipt issued from Schedule Bank.
May be recovered at rate of 10% of the bill amount till the full Security Deposit is recovered.
SD money will be retained upto 60 days from completion certificate including maintenance period
Variation in quantities till 25% is allowed with same rate awarded.
Can be done by authority who signed the contract provided there is no vitiation.
In case variation in quantities beyond 25% to 40% - Rate will be reduced to 2% of initially accepted rates.
In case variation in quantities beyond 40% to 50% - Rate will be reduced to 4% of initially accepted rates.
Beyond 50% - 4% less of accepted rate with finance concurrence.
Subsidiary aggreement to be drawn and signed.
Minor Variation
If the variation in total value is less than 1% of contract value,then it is minor Variation.
Upto 100% - Same rate
100 - 200% of qty -
Rate will be reduced to 2% of initially accepted rates.
Beyond 200% -
Rate will be reduced to 4% of initially accepted rates.
If the variation is beyond 150 percent of the contract value,it requires the sanction of GM.
Variation beyond 150% of the contract value requires the sanction of GM.
Administrative Approval
Administrative Approval of competent authority for incurring Expenditure is accorded at the stage of 'Abstract Estimate’.
Revised Benchmark of APAR for grant of MACP - Very Good.
Fees for making application before CAT ( Central Administrative Tribunal) - 50 rupees.
Compassionate Ground Appointment
Time limit for compassionate ground Appointment is generally 5 years from date of occurrence.
Employee contribution towards NPS is 10% of basic pay + DA.
Maximum commutation of pension = 40% of pension ×12×Relevant Age Factor.
Commuted portion of pension is restored after 15 years.
Time limit for appeal under DAR is 45 days.
Chairman of staff benefit fund in zonal railway is Principal CPO.
Sanction of excess over original sanctioned cost( abstract cost) due to reasons other than price escalation can be done by zonal railway upto 20%.
GeM is a platform for purchase of all the Govt. Departments.in GeM purchase CRAC is Consignee receipt and acceptance certificate.
Tender committee and accepting authority for single tender is one step above Normal tender.
Powers to dispense with tenders and accept quotation for works valuing 10 lakhs rests with HOD.
As per GCC, in case of works contract, quantities operated more than 125% but below 140% will be paid at the rate of 98% of accepted rates.
Financial and Technical eligibility not required for works upto 50 lakhs.
Tender notice period
in case of large works should not be less than 01 month.
B) 21 days upto value of 01 Cr without financial concurrence and 14 days with financial approval of SAG is required in both cases.
C) In case of limited tender, tender notice period should not be less than 14 days.
Limited Tender-
Power to call tenders from approved list of contractors.
Upto 50 lakhs - JAG/SG
50 Lakhs to 1.5 Cr- DRM/ADRM/CWM( in SAG)
1.5 Cr to 7.5 Cr - PHOD/CHOD
Full Powers - CAO/CN
No of contractors in the approved list - 10
Plan head is created for Works Expenditure
New line - plan head 11
Staff welfare - plan head 51
Passenger welfare - Plan head 53
Electrification - plan head 35
Date of effect of DAR - 01 Oct 1968.
Removal from service can be done under DAR rule 14.
SF -8 Appointment of Presenting officer.
Voted expenditure - Sanctioned after voting in parliament.
Charged expenditure - Only discussed in parliament not voted. Eg Salary
Both voted and charged are met from consolidated fund of India.
Prior permission of president required for contingency Contingency fund is not a fund, this is an imprest.
Vigilance awareness week 2023 was celebrated from 30th October to 05th November 2023
Colour of II Class A pass - Yellow
Employer's contribution in NPS is 14%.
Maximum amount of Personal Computer Advance to Railway employee is rupees 50000/-
RLDA- Rail Land Development Authority
Compensatory casual leave should be availed within 30 days of duty for which compensation is required.
As per master circular 47, closed holidays available for open line staff in a year= 12
Special casual leave available to staff for participation in Inter Railways and international Divisional Competitions-07 days
ABC analysis - tool for store management. Value and volume analysis.
Correct order in Accounting classification
Source/ Plan head/ Sub head/Primary unit
Powers of Railway Board
Railway board has full power of transferring the provision from one sub head to another by a formal order of Re appropriation.
Under grant no 16 , no appropriation of funds is permissible between Capital, Railway funds and revenue.
In Charged Expenditure there are no restrictions on the power of railway board to transfer provisions from one sub major head to other sub major head by a formal order of Re appropriation.
Re appropriation is also called Redistribution.
Prior Finance Concurrence is required for Re appropriation.
Sanction order of Re appropriation should be granted from Budget VPN ( Virtual Private Network) or VeRBS ( VPN enabled Rail Budget System through re appropriation Module only)
Re appropriation of works involve material modification of Rs 2.5 Cr and above requires approval of Railway board.
Re appropriation of funds for booking expenditure of left over works to a work not appearing in the LAW book is to be revived first and then only sanctioned by GM
Re appropriation not permitted by Railway Board-
One source of finance to another source of finance.
Revenue to capital or Vice Versa
Voted to Charged or Vice Versa
One Major head to Other Major Head
One grant to other.
Re appropriation from one plan head to other can be done by Railway Board.
Re appropriation from one source to another within same plan Head can be done by Railway Board.
Primary Unit( PU)
Primary unit of allocation denotes object of expenditure.
PU 20- Leave encashment to serving railway servant
PU 02 - Dearness Allowance
PU 25- Children Education Allowance.
PU 27 - Purchase of Stock Items
PU 32- Contractual payment.
PU 12 - Night Duty Allowance
PU 1 to 16 are generally called as Staff expenditure.
No of School passes issued to a Railway employee per child - 03
Benchmark required of APAR for grant of MACP - Very good
Fee to be paid for making application before CAT - 50 rupees
Employee contribution to NPS - 10% of (Basic Pay + DA)
Employee contribution to NPS - 14% of (Basic Pay + DA)
Formula for Commutation= 40% of Pension × 12× Relevant Age factor
DCRG ( Death cum Retirement Gratuity)
It is paid after death or retirement.
For Retirement Gratuity 5 years of minimum Qualifying service is required.
For Death gratuity there is no minimum qualifying Service.
Calculation of DCRG
(Basic pay + DA)× Qualifying Service ( max 33)/ 2
Subject to max 20 Lakh. Ceiling of Gratuity will increase by 25% whenever the DA increased by 50% of basic pay.
As per GCC- In a work Contract, Quantities operated more than 125% but less than 140% will be paid at the rates of 98% of accepted rate.
Variation beyond 150% of the contract value requires the sanction of GM.
Retirement case-
Railway employees on retirement are permitted to retain Railway accommodation for a period of 04 months on payment of normal rent and next 04 months on double the rent of normal rent( on education or sickness ground).
Death Case -
Family of Railway employee who died while in service, may be permitted to retain Railway accommodation on payment of normal rent for maximum period of 24 months, if he doesn't own a house at place of posting.
Scouts and guides may be granted Special casual leave limited to 30 days.
Partial Withdrawal from NPS
1) Subscribe should be in NPS for three years.
2) Withdrawal amount should not exceed 25% of contribution made by subscriber.
3) Only three withdrawal permitted.
4) Withdrawal request is offline through Nodal officer/ POP.
GST is indirect tax.
Financial limit of JA officer is 5 Lakh per case for quotation work as per model SOP 2018.Minimum 3 offers should be collected for this.
ABC analysis of Inventory
A catagory item is highest value, B is power value and C is of lowest value.
Rate Contract
The contract in which government can procure any no of specified items at fixed unit rate during period of currency is called Rate Contract.Rate contract is generally done in store contracts.
Chief Public Relations Officer is assigned the task of publishing tender notice in newspaper.
21 Days is Normally period of advertisement for open tender.
GFR - General Financial Rules.
Officer from Store Department is convener of the tender committee in store purchase contract.
A railway servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of competent authority if he is detained in custody for a period of 48 hours.
Railway Board is the sanctioning authority for any excess above 25% due to change of scope.
PG Money should be submitted within 60 days from date of issue of LOA.
For Safety category items Vetting of Non Stock indent is not required upto 10 Lakhs.
Contribution made for NPS during suspension - Nil.
First two digits of works expenditure classification indicates- Source of Financing
180 Days- Maximum leave that shall be granted at a time to a Railway servant.
HRA allowance- will be paid to both Husband and Wife, even if they are living together at same station.
Hostel Subsidy and Children Education Allowance both can be claimed together.
Children Education Allowance is paid at double of normal rate for Divyang Children.
Pink Book - New Works and works in progress of costing more than 2.5 Crore.
Appellate authority
Appellate authority can
1) Confirm the penalty
2) Reduce the penalty
3) Propose to enhance the penalty.
Leave Encashment -
Max 6 encashment can be done in entire career excluding retirement. Leave Encashment is allowed upto 10 days.
Railway Service ( conduct) Rules 1966 3(1)(i) - Railway Servant shall maintain absolute integrity.
An order of suspension made it deemed to have been made shall not be valid beyond 90 days unless fresh extension is given.
Max maternity leave - 180 days.
CL can be prefixed or suffixed with Restricted Holiday.
CL and LAP can not be clubbed.
Extra Ordinary Leave may be granted in following cases.
1) No other leave is admissible.
2) Other leave is admissible but Railway servant applies for EOL in writing.
3) For the purpose of pursuing studies certified to be in public interest.
Deposit work -
Work done by Railway, the cost of which is met out of funds from non Railway sources.
Invalid Pension-
If a person retires from service on account of mental or physical incapability, he is granted Invalid pension.
Depreciation Fund -
Used for replacement of Assests.
Tenure of Loan Period of House building advance - 60 months
ARPAN - Advance Railways Pension Access Network- solve grievances by Railway pensioners
CPGRAM - Centralized Public Grievances Redress and Monitoring System.
Rate Contract is generally used in Store Contracts.
Technical sanction-
Administrative Approval of Detailed Estimate.
In a year three National Holidays are given to Railway employees.
Part 1 of Audit Inspection Report pertains to more important matters in that report.
Financial appraisal of projects is worked out using DCF technique.( Discounted Cash Flow).
Railway budget is merged in union budget in fy 2017-18. After merger Railway did not pay dividend to government.
PNM function at three levels in Indian Railways.
Home secretary is the chairman of Joint Consultative Machinery at National level.
Validity of year ending privileged pass - 5 months
If a railway staff remains in police custody for 48 hrs or more, he shall be treated as deemed Suspended.
5- Total no of family members and dependents allowed in a Single privileged pass.
Following fields are available in the basic module of HRMS
1) Gender
2) Adhar card details
3) PAN card details.
Uppar age limit for CEA -20 years or upto 12 th class.
After attaining age of 80 to 85 years- 20 percent of additional pension
85 to 90 year - 30 percent additional pension
90 years, a railway pensioners gets additional pension- 40% of basic pension.
Max permissible commutation of pension admissible - 40% of pension.
Short Off
Less than 10 hrs - Continuous
Less than 8 hrs - Essentially intermittent.
Working period
Intensive - Not more than 45 hrs.
Continuous - Not more than 54 hrs.
20 yrs - Minimum service for voluntary retirement.
Budget - A statement of estimated annual receipts and expenditure either on capital account or revenue account.
Rent and conservancy charges depend upon Plinth area and type of quarter.
Sanction of Variation in Contract depend upon
1) Availability of estimate provision
2) Availability of adequate funds.
3) Ensuring reasonability of rate.
Limited tender-
For inviting limited tenders, there should be an approved list of at least 10 agencies.
Audit Notes -
Part 1 - More important and serious matters on items noticed by audit during their inspection of initial records in executive offices.
Part 2 - Minor and routine matters on items noticed by audit while checking records of Account office.
Grants distributed by Railway board to Zonal Railways - Allotment
Bills recoverable - It is preferred by Railways on other parties.
Bill is a document through which claim is preferred.
Revised Estimate is prepared when work can not be completed within its original sanctioned cost.
Work Charged Posts - Creation or extension of these posts can be done only from specific provision in the sanctioned estimate.
Operating ratio - It indicates financial performance of a Zonal Railway.
IRFC - It is the major source of funding for rolling stock in Railway.
Suspense Grant of Railway -Includes
Store suspense
Manufacturer Suspence
Miscellaneous Advances ( Capital)
50 percent - Subsistence allowance can be increased if suspension increased due to administrative reasons.
GM - Chairman of PNM at Zonal Railway.
PHOD/ CHOD - Non Stock demand above 45 Lac is approved.
5 Lakh - Financial limit of JAG officer in case of work under quotation.
A Catagory AAC - Vetting of HQ finance required.
30 days - LAP must be balanced in Account for leave Encashment.
Lead Time - Term used for time elapsed from date of realisation of need of recoupment to the physical receipt of material.
180 days - Suspension can be extended.
5 days - Minimum period of CCL.
250 rupees per day - fine can be imposed on CPIO for giving misleading information.
1966 - Railway services conduct Rules were passed.
Budget - A statement of estimated receipts and expenditure of the government.
QCBS - Quality and Cost based selection.
Grant no 85 - The expenditure of railway .
Abstract Estimate - Administrative approval of CA for incurring expenditure is accorded at this stage.
7 day - Minimum notice period for quotation.
Works less than 2.5 Cr in pink Book under umbrella - Sanctioned at Zonal level.
Purpose of PG - Contractor completes the work as per contract conditions.
As per GCC- minimum qualifying criteria for contractor Authorised Engineer - Graduate engineer with 3 years of Experience.
Demand no 16 - Demand no for signal and telecom works.
PCPO - Chairman of Staff benefit Fund at HQ level.
PREM at Zonal level - in three months.
PNM - To resolve dispute and difference between Administration and Staff.
An employee can not be promoted when he is under punishment of withholding of increment for a specific period with permanent effect.
After transfer, retention of railway quarters is allowed for two months on normal rent.
Max suspension period is 90 days unless extended after This period can be extended upto 180 days after review.
If any movable property transaction exceeds the two months basic, government must be informed.
Presenting Officer - Custodian of listed document in a Departmental enquiry.
Disciplinary authority - will take decision whether charges have been established before passing final orders.
2.5 Cr - Power of GM to sanction under plan head 16.
Variation beyond 150% of the contract value - Requires sanction of GM.
PU denotes object of expenditure.
Pink Book - Issued by Railway Board.
Earnest money of successful tenderer gets converted into Security Deposit.
After retirement, a chargesheet to an employee can be given by President only.
Technical Sanction - Detailed Estimate.
Bibek Debroy Committee - Recommended for merger of Railway Budget to general budget.
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