Siding in Block Section

Siding Points on Passenger running lines outside station limits:- Facing Points:-SEM-7.4.12

1)  The siding points on passenger lines outside the station limit shall be detected for permitting speeds of up to 50 kmph in facing direction.In case the detection is not provided, speed restriction of 15 kmph shall be imposed.

2) Where Siding Points are provided only with the minimum equipment specified in Para no. 7.4.12 (a), an appropriate speed limit over the facing points imposed for all trains passing over such Points in the facing direction only and an 'S' marker at the Points and a speed indicator at not less than 30 meters from the Points shall be provided, neither of which, need be lighted. 

3) In addition a caution and termination indicator shall also be provided . If the sanctioned speed of the section does not exceed 50 kmph, the S 'Marker' at the points and the indicators need not be provided. 


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