Catch Siding and Slip Siding

 Catch Siding is provided to protect the station section, if the gradient is steeper than 1 in 80 falling towards the station section.

Slip Siding is provided to protect block section if the gradient is steeper than 1 in 100 towards Block Section.

Normal permissible gradient for Block Section is 1:1200 and for Station Section is 1:400.

Reception of Trains in Catch Siding Stations-

(a) Either a minimum of two Stop Signals shall be provided in rear of the Catch Siding points or the First Stop Signal shall be at an adequate distance equal to Block overlap from the catch siding points.

(b) A train shall first be brought to a stop at the First Stop Signal, before the Catch Siding points are set for the main line and the reception signals shall not be taken 'OFF' unless the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) The line on which the train is to be received is clear and the train is to be received on the main line.

 (ii) The points leading to the Catch Siding as well as all the Points required for a run through train are set for the main line Immediately after granting Line Clear to the Block station in rear.

iii) Line clear has been obtained from block section in advance.

iv) The gradients in the block section ahead are such that the train can be brought under control easily.

Interlocking of Catch/Slip Siding points with Block Instruments:- (SEM-7.5.4)

The interlocking shall be such that the key required to set the siding points is released from the instruments in the "Train Going to"/"Train Coming from" position and once the key is removed from the block instruments, the instrument gets locked in the relevant position. After movement of the train and the points are set for the Slip Siding/Catch siding and the "Train Going To" / "Train Coming from" key is released from the Points and brought back to release the instrument to Normal position.

Shunting on non isolated lines shall cease once Line Clear has been granted.

Where Slip Siding is located at the departure end of a Double Line Station,the interlocking shall be such that Points can be set towards the block section only when the block instrument is set to Line Clear.


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