Shunt Key in UFSBI

Shunt key can be extracted only when Block panel is in TGT or LINE CLOSED however shunting in TGT is not permitted.

For shunting in block section, shunting key to be removed in Line closed position and give to loco pilot as authority to enter in block section.

Before entering train into block section  , SM will exchange private no with next block station.

Electromagnetic Impulse Counter-It is a six digit, 10 impulses per second minimum, 24 V DC non resetable type counter.

Buzzers - 

Cedicom or Piezo make buzzers ( continuous and intermittent) working at 24 volts (+20%-10%) DC for audio alarm is provided to register the BELL CODE sent by other end SM & to register the occupation and clearance of each Block Section.

Block Telephone - This is provided for speech communication with SM at other end of Block Section. Separate block telephone is provided for Separate block section. Block panel has provision for hanging block telephone as Drg no RDSO/S 32019.


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