Standard of Interlocking, Aspects,Route Indicators

 Speed in Station Section

STD 1-  up to 50 kmph

 STD  II - up to  110 kmph

 STD III - up to  140 kmph 

STD IV - up to 160 kmph

In STD IV, MACLS Signalling or Movement Authority anyone can be used.For others only MACLS.

In STD IV, MTRC ( Mobile Train Radio Communication) and TPWS  both are mandatory and desired for STD II and STD III.

CTC ( Centralized Traffic Control) is not required for any one.Desirable for STD II,STD III and STD IV. 

For STD III and STD IV, Double Distant is Mandatory. On STD II,it is required in section where EBD is more than 1 Km. 

Token working is permitted only in STD I.

There is no connection of S&T department with speed in block section.

Aspects of  Signal-

2 Aspect - Red, Green

3 Aspect- Red, yellow,  Green 

4 Aspect- Red,Yellow,  Green,  Double Yellow

Aspect Sequence Chart is mentioned in SIP

Distant Signal -

If distant signal is no light, driver will stop and then move cautiously.

Normal Aspect of Double distant- YY

Normal Aspect of Inner Distant-Y

If speed is more than 110 kmph then double distant signal is required. 

No good warning board in double distant terroritary.

In Double Distant territory if Distant Signal is Green ,it indicates that train will either stop at Main line or run through main line.In all other cases , it will remain YY.

In Double Distant territory, Distant Signal has only two aspects either YY or G.

Inner Distant/Second Signal -

If inner Distant is Green, It is Confirmed that Home Signal will also be Green because there is no provision of Double yellow in Home Signal. If Home Signal is Green Main Line Starter will be  Green and Train will go Run through only.

Aspect Control -

Distant and Inner Distant are automatically controlled by the Aspect of Home Signal.

1) If Home Signal is Red , Inner Distant is Yellow and Distant will be Double Yellow.Train will dead  stop at Home.

2) If Home Signal is Yellow,  inner Distant will be Double yellow and Distant will be Green. Train Stop at Main Line Starter.

3) If Home is Yellow with Route Indicator, Distant and Inner Distant both will be Double Yellow.The train will come on Loop line.Now if Loop line is Red, train will stop and if it is yellow,  it will run through via Loop line.

4) If Home is Green, Distant and Inner Distant both will be also be Green and Train will run through on Main Line.

Route Indicator -

There are three types of Route Indicators 

1. Directional type Route Indicator 

2. Multi Lamp Route Indicator 

3. Stencil type Route Indicator. 

If Speed is more than 15 Kmph, Directional type  Route Indicator is provided upto 3 diversions on any side of the main line, .

If Speed is more than 15 Kmph  Directional type Route Indicator with LED Matrix is provided for more than  3 diversions on any side of the main line, .

If Speed is less than 15 Kmph, Any Route Indicator of Approved Design may be used.

Multi lamp and Stencil are used if Speed is less than 15 Kmph.

Directional type Route Indicator can be used for any speed.

In Single Distant territory - 

If Single Distant is Green, train will run through Main line.

Fuse capacity -250% of rated current 


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