Repeating Signal and Co acting Signal

 Repeating Signal- (GR 3.16)

A Signal placed in rear of a fixed Signal for the purpose of repeating the aspect of fixed Signal in advance to the Loco Pilot of an approaching train  is called a Repeating signal     

A Repeating shall be provided with an R marker and shall be of- 

a) banner type

b) a square ended semaphore arm,or

c) A colour light Signal 

Repeating Signal is on different post from Main Signal.

Repeating Signal has two aspects, Yellow and Green.It shows Yellow when main signal is ON and  Green when main Signal is OFF.

Exact location of Repeating Signal is decided by Signal Sighting Committee.

Co acting Signal -

No of Aspect of Main Signal = No of Aspect of Co acting.

No marker on Co acting Signal 

Co acting Signal is on same post on Main Signal


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