Location of signals, Calling On
Single line- Distance between outer most point and Advanced Starter is minimum 120 m and Distance between Advanced Starter and Home Signal is minimum 180 m.In this way Home Signal is 300m behind first facing point
Double line - Distance between Starter and Advanced Starter is minimum 120 m.No fixed distance between Advanced Starter and opposite Home Signal.Home Signal must be placed 180 m behind outer most point.
In Double line if first point is trailing then BSLB board is required. If first point is facing then no board is required.
Home Signal- Distance between Home signal and first facing point must be more than 180 m in both Single and Double line.When there is continuous steeper down gradient more than 1 in 260 towards station between Distant and Home Signal in Single Distant terroritary and between inner Distant and Home in Double distant terroritary
Starter Signal -Location of Starter is just beyond birthing track. All Starter signals will be released by Advanced Starter in new works.
Intermediate Starter Signal - Intermediate Starter Signal shall be placed clear of fouling marks in rear of the point,if any which it protects.
Starter Indicator - Very rarely used. For long/curved platforms,a Starter Indicator may be provided to repeat the Aspect of Starter for the guard. Starter Indicator exhibit 'No light',when concerned Starter is ON and yellow light when it is Off.
Calling On Signal -
Placement - Calling on Signal shall be placed below a stop signal governing approach of a train.Under special instructions( Sanctioned by PCOM) it can be provided below any stop Signal except LSS.
It can not be provided on Advanced Starter in Any Case.
It can be provided on Starter Signal.
Important points for Calling On Signal
1) It will be placed above Shunt Signal and below stop Signal.Calling on and Shunt below it, can not be lowered together.Same way Calling On and Stop Signal can not be lowered together.
2) Calling on Signal can be lowered only after train comes to dead stop ( GR 3.13).
It will be OFF after time delay of 60 s after occupancy of calling on Track Ckt and lowering of signal for Reception Signal.
For Calling on below starter signal. No time delay is required for taking off calling On Signal however provision for ensuring that train has stopped shall be covered in SWR and to be ensured by operating staff.
3) Length of Calling on Track Ckt is equal to five rail lengths (65 m).Calling on Signal replaced to ON, when Complete train clears this Track ckt.
4) Calling on Board is placed at the start of Calling on Track Ckt joint ,rear of HOME Signal.When a train is received on Calling on, Loco pilot of train to move ahead with caution and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.
5) If no Track ckt is failed or Birthing TC failed and we are receiving train on Calling on Signal,it's route will release automatically after complete arrival of train.
6) If Any other TC failed and we received train on Calling on, it's route will be released manually using Emergency Route Release with time delay of 120 Seconds.
7) Provision of manual route release of Calling on Signal should be included in concerned SWR.
Calling On signal requires
a) All the LC Gates to be closed and locked against road traffic.
b) All the points in the route and isolation are set and locked in required position.However points in the overlap are not proved in the Calling On Circuit.
C) No Track circuit is proved in Calling on lowering Circuit except Calling on track ckt.
Distant Signal -
If distant signal is no light, driver will stop and then move cautiously.
Normal Aspect of Double distant- YY
Normal Aspect of Distant-Y
If speed is more than 110 kmph then double distant signal is required.
No good warning board in double distant territory.
Under approved special instructions.a colour light Distance signal may be combined with the Last Stop Signal of a station in rear or with a IB Signal or a Gate Signal.
Inner Distant/Second Signal -
If inner Distant is Green, It is Confirmed that Home Signal will also be Green because there is no provision of Double yellow in Home Signal. If Home Signal is Green Main Line Starter will be Green and Train will go Run through only.
IB Signal -
IB signal is placed in the mid of two block sections.
IB is used where distance between two block sections is equal or more than 10 kms.MSDAC is possible in IB Section.
CSR is normally 750 m.
Arrow On the Right Side Signals-
SEM 7.1.4- Signals must be placed normally on left side of track.Where signals are placed right side, a arrow must be provided towards applicable line.
Arrow must be of white colour and background is red
Unused Signals-
For unused signals a rectangular cross bar of 1000 mm×100 mm is placed.
Some Important facts -
1) Voltage range for Main Signal LED is 82.5 V to 137.5 V.
2) Voltage range for subsidiary signal LED is 88 V to 132 V.
3) Passenger warning board abolished from Railway
4) Normal Aspect of Home- Red
5) Height of Red Aspect is 3.65 m from Rail level.
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