1)  We know that in CEL SSDAC, there are two TX coils , one 21 KHz and another 23 KHz.

2)   Similarly there are two RX coils,  one 21 KHz and another 23 KHz

3)  From Each coil , two conductors are coming out and their color are Red and Black.

4) Between these two conductors, we can measure the Resistance with our Multimeter. This value is Coil Resistance of this coil.

5) Before measuring Coil Resistance,  open the link of both conductors from ARA terminal.Then only you will get correct value.

6) For TX Coils ,Resistance of these coils  must be less than 1 ohm. If you are not getting this value, replace TX Coil,it will give you failures.

7) For RX Coils, Resistance of these coils must be between 2 ohm and 3 ohm.

8) After measuring Coil Resistance. terminate these conductors on ARA Terminals as mentioned in below picture.

9)     When we measure voltage  at  TX 1 or TX 2 ,it will come between (30 V- 40 V ) AC.

10)    When we measure voltage  at  RX 1 or RX 2 ,it will come between (275 m V - 600 m V)  AC.

11)    When we measure frequency at TX 1 or RX will come around 21 KHz

12)   When we measure frequency at TX 2 or RX will come around 23 KHz .

For more knowledge about CEL SSDAC, keep reading my blog,you can ask any query to me regarding signalling.


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